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Music Review - `True is Beautiful` by Raveis Kole (dmac)

Raveis Kole - True is Beautiful  (click on image to watch video)

 4  August 2021



The title of Raveis Kole’s single, “True is Beautiful,” is more than a tad philosophical. Usually, whenever we consider what is beautiful, we imagine something we can see with our eyes. Nevertheless, Raveis Kole’s lyrical statement is just as true as a pretty viewpoint. Knowing the truth, as we’re told, has been said to set us free. “True is Beautiful” is a little out of the ordinary, it’s true, but it’s nevertheless a welcome reminder. 

Raveis Kole (Laurie Raveis and Dennis Kole) are a singer-songwriter duo, and “True is Beautiful” leans closely to the folk side of the musical spectrum. Lyrically, Raveis Kole begins its meditation on the real, rather unusually. Rather than point out truth examples, the pair instead remind us about how “There’s a snake that escaped from the garden.” This Biblical snake represented Satan, who has been called the father of lies. This example is meant to remind the listener that lying has been going on for a long time – since the beginning of time if you believe the Biblical account. Whereas truth is beautiful, lies are ugly. Maybe you think snakes are cool looking, but many of us consider these cold-blooded creatures as one of God’s ugliest creations. 

The minor key melody driving the song’s verses, is followed by a major key, positive chorus. Raveis, who sings lead on the track, announces how she’s going to get her hands dirty and plant something beautiful. Those dishonest roots need to be pulled out and replaced by better, more honest ones. This chorus ends with the repeated line, “True is beautiful.” Much can be said about Raveis Kole’s lyrical statement here. Yes, in a general sense, truth is far better than lies. However, an environmental message can also be drawn from these words. Nature is beautiful, when it’s not messed with or manipulated, the way the snake initially used it to his advantage. Nature is – for the most part – good and honest, and it’s the true beauty in the world. On the one hand, there is a lyrical move to get back to nature. Furthermore, there is also a desire to get nature back to its beautiful, natural state. 

Sonically, this track is by no means simplistic, acoustic guitar folk. Its bass part is elastic and dynamic, while the electric guitars sound a little progressive in places. Also, later in the track, Raveis references a different literary instance, singing about Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. After all, we all learn about the dangers of telling lies as children. Even so, many children grow up to be liars, never fully recognizing truth’s beauty. 

There is much talk about our culture’s current loss of truth. Go no further than the prevalence of fake news, to get a taste of all that. Although the Bible commands us to not lie, you don’t need to be a Biblical scholar to realize how damaging lying can be. Truth, however, where we get all the facts out on the table, may not always feel good, but this act is entirely necessary if we want a fair and just society. That conniving snake is still among us, in the form of corrupt politicians, bad businesspeople and fibbers from all walks of life. Honesty, after all, is always the best policy.

-Dan MacIntosh


Music Reviewer - Dan MacIntosh


Dan MacIntosh - Dan MacIntosh has been a professional music journalist for 30 years and his work has regularly appeared in many local and national publications, including Inland Empire Weekly, CCM, CMJ, Paste, Mean Street, Chord, HM, Christian Retailing, Amplifier, Inspirational Giftware, Stereo Subversion, Indie-Music, Soul–Audio,, Country Standard Time and 

To Read All of Dan's Reviews, Click Here


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.  Environmental Law Institute

.  European Commission Climate Action

.  Fires - Global Forest Watch

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.  National Science Foundation

.  Nature Is Speaking


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.  Nature is Speaking



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.  Union of Concerned Scientists

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 .  World Wildlife Fund - Climate




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.  American Prospect

.  Cambridge University Press

.  Circuit Breaker

.  Committee to Investigate Russia

.  Defense One

.  Federal Register

.  Fernwood Publishing (Roseway Publishing)

.  Haymarket Books

.  Institute for the Study of War

.  Israel Lobby and American Policy

 . The Moscow Project

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.  Nation Books

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.  Win Without War

.  Washington Spectator

.  Washington Report on Middle East Affairs


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.  Beyond Pesticides

.  Center for Food Safety

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.  Food & Environment Reporting Network

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.  World Resources Institute

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.  National Nurses United 

.  Center for Food Safety

.  Fair Trade Certified - Coffee

.  Up Top Acres - MD & DC  

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.  What's On My Food?




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