The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas

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Music Review - `Ain’t That a Cheyne` by Junior Cheyne (dmc)

Junior Cheyne - Ain’t That a Cheyne  (click on image to watch video)

 27 September 2019



Ain’t That a Cheyneis more akin to Johnny Cash and the outlaw country movement than the Nashville mainstream machine. According to the band, country music has been drying up. Enter Junior Cheyne to the rescue. These 13 finely crafted songs feature melodies that hook you and lyrics that take a while to leave you. 

The disc opens with “Out of Gas” a song about Old Sam, a veteran who served his country in war and “never found the why or what for.” What matters is this: he is still around and still dancing like no one is watching. The lesson: we can all learn a thing or two from these heroes. As the chorus reveals: “Old farts never die/They just run out of gas.” Another memorable song is “While Texas Sleeps (Austin’s Runnin’ Wild)”; the western-swing tune that features some great honky-tonk piano.

“Girl from the last Century,” is a love song about a woman who stays the same despite the passage of time. From the opener to the closer “(You Got Me) Dead Cold to Rights,” Cheyne makes good on the promise inscribed on the back of the CD that “we’re driving to Save Country Music one song at a time.”


David McPherson

David McPherson - Author. The Legendary Horseshoe Tavern: A Complete History Dundurn Press (Sept. 23, 2017) 


To Read All of David's Reviews, Click Here






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