The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas

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Music Review - `Two Sides to This Town` by Bobbo Byrnes (dmc)

Bobbo Byrnes - Two Sides to This Town  (click on image to watch video)

 10 June 2019



Hailing from Southern California, troubadour Byrnes mixes the swagger of a rock and roller with the hands-on-the-wheel wisdom of an Americana road warrior. Two Sides to This Town is the follow up to his solo debut Motel Americana (2017). In these 10 storied songs, the singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist muse about life following the white line. The disc opens with the infectious love song “Angelia” — one of those songs you’ll be singing along to long after the first listen. 

After this tune kicks the record off like a firework on the Fourth of July and sets the tone and theme for the infectious rhythms and well-crafted tunes to come, Byrnes takes you on a joyous journey to the heart of his world. Byrnes delivers one strong song after another. Highlights include: “Heart Like Mine,” “Glad,” and “Jealous Kind,” written by Chris Knight. Sizzling solos and guitar prowess throughout carrying these memorable melodies. Strong instrumentation and a carefully picked cast of musicians lend their talents to the record: wife Tracy Byrnes on bass, Matt Froehlich on drums and Danny Ott on lead guitar. Several guests, including Caitlin Cary (Whiskeytown), joined Byrnes in the studio.

Byrnes is an old-school artist who toils the road; he plays 150 plus gigs a year – from North America to Eastern Europe and Australia with many pit stops in between. This dedication to his craft is evident on this recording. The overall theme weaved throughout Two Sides to This Town is the need to look at both sides of every story. In his travels, Byrnes witnesses a country divided; here he shares his view that there is no black or white. We all must look deeper to better understand our fellow travelers on this earth


David McPherson

David McPherson - Author. The Legendary Horseshoe Tavern: A Complete History Dundurn Press (Sept. 23, 2017) 


To Read All of David's Reviews, Click Here






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.  European Commission Climate Action

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.  National Science Foundation

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.  American Prospect

.  Cambridge University Press

.  Circuit Breaker

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.  Defense One

.  Federal Register

.  Fernwood Publishing (Roseway Publishing)

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.  Beyond Pesticides

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.  National Nurses United 

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