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Music Review - `Hearty` by Roger Salloom (bm)

Roger Salloom - Hearty  (click on image to watch video)

 9 March 2019



Think of Roger Salloom’s new album Hearty as a survey course on how folk songs and the blues have long served as voices of underserved Americans.

At times, Salloom sounds like a folk troubadour, begging for common sense to make a comeback. This comes across on field-recorded acoustic opener “Not Here Nor Anywhere,” Heartland rocker “Don’t Let My Country Wash Away” and a team-up with Underhill Rose on the Woody Guthrie classic “Deportee.” Each portrays a critical thinker, more interested in freedom of the press and general human decency than partisan saber-rattling.

On other songs, he gets the blues, from a cover of jazz guitar pioneer Lonnie Johnson’s “Jelly Roll Baker” to the pop swing of “Knock Me a Kiss.” Together, these songs represent the enriching and entertaining sides of rock’s jazz and blues predecessors. He also moves forward in the roots music timeline by mixing some rhythm with his blues for a cover of “Shake, Rattle, and Roll.” 

A song that fits neither category, “Haunted at Midnight,” sounds more like a pop-jazz odyssey than a folk ballad or blues side. The standout track captures both the lyrical strength of Salloom’s socio-political commentaries and that unshakable feeling from his bluesy tunes that you’re listening in as a seasoned musician cuts an album with several of his talented friends.


Bobby Moore




Bobby Moore







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Environment Resources

.  1% for the Planet

.  American Geophysical Union



.  Clean Water Action

.  Climate Central

.  Climate Change Guide

.  Climate Docket

.  Climate Mobilization

.  Earth911

.  Earth Institute

.  Earthjustice

.  Environmental Defense Fund

.  Ecowatch

.  Environmental Law Institute

.  European Commission Climate Action

.  Fires - Global Forest Watch

.  Green America

.  Moms Clean Air Force

.  National Science Foundation

.  Nature Is Speaking


NASA Climate Change: Vital Signs

.  National Science Foundation

.  Nature is Speaking



.  Rainforest Alliance

.  Sierra Club


.  Union of Concerned Scientists

.  World Resources Institute

.  World Wildlife Fund

 .  World Wildlife Fund - Climate




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Politics Resources

.  American Prospect

.  Cambridge University Press

.  Circuit Breaker

.  Committee to Investigate Russia

.  Defense One

.  Federal Register

.  Fernwood Publishing (Roseway Publishing)

.  Haymarket Books

.  Institute for the Study of War

.  Israel Lobby and American Policy

 . The Moscow Project

.  MapLight

.  McClatchy

.  Middle East Eye



.  Nation Books

.  Politico

.  Roll Call

.  SunLight Foundation


.  US Dept os State

.  US House of Representatives

.  US Senate


.  Win Without War

.  Washington Spectator

.  Washington Report on Middle East Affairs


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Food/Health Resources

.  Beyond Pesticides

.  Center for Food Safety

.  Civic Dinners

.  Civil Eats

 .  Food First

.  Foodtank

.  Food & Environment Reporting Network

.  Food & Water Watch

.  Food Day

.  Food Revolution Network

.  GM Watch

.  Slow Food International

.  World Resources Institute

.  EDF Seafood Selector

.  1% for the Planet

.  SAFE Project

.  Healthy Campaign

.  National Nurses United 

.  Center for Food Safety

.  Fair Trade Certified - Coffee

.  Up Top Acres - MD & DC  

.  Planned Parenthood


.  Moms Clean Air Force

.  What's On My Food?




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