The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas

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Music Review - `True is Beautiful` by Raveis Kole (lz)

Raveis Kole-- True is Beautiful   (click on image to watch )

 25 July 2021



Laurie Raveis and Dennis Kole, better known as Raveis Kole, share a sound that reflects a variety of styles, all sumptuous, seductive and flush with immense appeal. An Americana ambiance meshes with Middle Eastern mystery to create a gypsy like sway, gently enhanced by the duo’s seamless harmonies, percussive guitar rhythms, and imaginative tunings. Mostly though, it’s the couple’s gently engaging melodic approach that draws the listener in, offering a soothing respite in a troubled and turbulent time when solace is needed most. 

The duo’s new single, “True Is Beautiful,” offers a testament to the fact that the ultimate good can be found simply by appreciating the beauty found in the natural world while also understanding that nature can provide answers if one simply takes the time to listen. The narrative begins with a snake escaping from a garden it calls home. The arrangements reflect a decided uncertainty as the snake makes its way towards new environs, before the music shifts to an easy, assured rhythm and a decidedly calming caress. Raveis’ soaring vocal takes the song to new heights, embedding the title “True Is Beautiful” as a kind of mantra that translates to a greater reality, a mantra that suggests individuality and the need to simply be ourselves is far more important than simply going along with what society feeds us.  Ultimately, there’s no need to conform if we stay faithful to our instincts and expertise. 

Indeed, it’s Raveis Kole’s tangled tapestries and instrumental allure that makes the song’s appeal so apparent, offering a bold way forward even when the scenario suggests otherwise. The cadence overcomes the caution to reach a triumphant conclusion. 

Or, as the lyric suggests, “… caged bird cries …” and how susceptible we all are to the “… tasty live bait, eat this stuff, more is not enough…”

As enlightening as it is inviting, “True Is Beautiful” ought to further expand the pair’s fan following, many of whom have witnessed them in live performances throughout the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Add to that their top chart placement, critical kudos, ongoing international airplay and a triple nomination for Hollywood Music in Media Award, and it’s easy to understand how Raveis Kole’s natural inclination is to inspire with desire. 



 Lee Zimmerman


Lee Zimmerman

To Read All of Lee's Reviews, Click Here



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.  Beyond Pesticides

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