Music Review - 'The Sidemen' by Nick Justice and Feter Martin Homer (dm)
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Nick Justice and Feter Martin Homer - The Sidemen (Click to watch the video)
4 June 2022
Seasoned songwriters and musicians Nick Justice and Feter Martin Homer commence a meeting of the minds on their new record, The Sidemen. Together, they have crafted and delivered ten beautiful songs of traditional country and folk music – songs that puncture the human heart. On “Light as an Angel,” a particularly effectual lyric describes the lessons one can learn from the “scar on my heart.” On The Sidemen, Justice and Homer are looking to leave and repair a few cardiac scars.
With the minimal accompaniment of guitars, mandolin, harmonica, bass, and Gabe Witcher’s gorgeous fiddle, the songs maintain a soft, but emotive mood. They are melancholic, and artistically cohesive. Even if Justice and Homer’s vocals are similar, the music acts as a powerful vessel for Justice and Homer’s heartfelt and thoughtful lyrics.
“Come Dance with Me,” “Light as an Angel,” and “Let’s Get of Here” offer the sweet intoxication of romance, while “This Storm Shall Pass Away” meets the promise of its title in the brandishing of hope.
Justice and Homer’s guitars entangle and mingle with chemistry and wisely restrained musicality. “Lady of the Roses” and “Secret Soul” are particularly illustrative of their collaborative effect.
The Sidemen is the first release in Justice and Homer’s partnership. After listening to the record, it is easy to anticipate future music, and to do so with joy.
David Masciotra ( is the author of four books, including Barack Obama: Invisible Man (Eyewear Publishing, 2017) and Mellencamp: American Troubadour (University Press of Kentucky, 2015).
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