The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas

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Music Review - 'Summer in America' by Dana Cooper (dm)

Dana Cooper - Summer in America (Click to watch the video)

2 August 2020



This summer in America, Dana Cooper has released a lyrically sharp and moving reflection on his country’s crisis with the aptly titled “Summer in America.”

The singer/songwriter takes the listeners on an emotional tour of history, beginning with a reflection on the 1967 Summer of Love, when social movements, shifting mores, and explosions of political activism

were signaling hope for a divided nation on issues of civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, environmentalism, and war and peace. “That summer in America,” Cooper sings, “I loved you and you loved me.”

In the second verse, Cooper, like many Americans, is lamenting how so much promise could disappear so quickly. “This summer in America / I fear you and you fear me,” he sings after describing the resurgence of racism, and a politics that threatens to turn tyrannical.

Cooper plays a soft and tender acoustic guitar, and with the support of a steady drum march that matches the movement he delineates, he tells his story with a modest, effective, and plaintive vocal melody. When he concludes the third verse, predicting a resurrection of the summer of love spirit, the listener cannot help but sing along, and feel grateful that Cooper has captured our hope and dread.



 David Masciotra



David Masciotra ( is the author of four books, including Barack Obama: Invisible Man (Eyewear Publishing, 2017) and Mellencamp: American Troubadour (University Press of Kentucky, 2015).

To read all of David's reviews, click here 



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.  1% for the Planet

.  American Geophysical Union



.  Clean Water Action

.  Climate Central

.  Climate Change Guide

.  Climate Docket

.  Climate Mobilization

.  Earth911

.  Earth Institute

.  Earthjustice

.  Environmental Defense Fund

.  Ecowatch

.  Environmental Law Institute

.  European Commission Climate Action

.  Fires - Global Forest Watch

.  Green America

.  Moms Clean Air Force

.  National Science Foundation

.  Nature Is Speaking


NASA Climate Change: Vital Signs

.  National Science Foundation

.  Nature is Speaking



.  Rainforest Alliance

.  Sierra Club


.  Union of Concerned Scientists

.  World Resources Institute

.  World Wildlife Fund

 .  World Wildlife Fund - Climate




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Politics Resources

.  American Prospect

.  Cambridge University Press

.  Circuit Breaker

.  Committee to Investigate Russia

.  Defense One

.  Federal Register

.  Fernwood Publishing (Roseway Publishing)

.  Haymarket Books

.  Institute for the Study of War

.  Israel Lobby and American Policy

 . The Moscow Project

.  MapLight

.  McClatchy

.  Middle East Eye



.  Nation Books

.  Politico

.  Roll Call

.  SunLight Foundation


.  US Dept os State

.  US House of Representatives

.  US Senate


.  Win Without War

.  Washington Spectator

.  Washington Report on Middle East Affairs


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Food/Health Resources

.  Beyond Pesticides

.  Center for Food Safety

.  Civic Dinners

.  Civil Eats

 .  Food First

.  Foodtank

.  Food & Environment Reporting Network

.  Food & Water Watch

.  Food Day

.  Food Revolution Network

.  GM Watch

.  Slow Food International

.  World Resources Institute

.  EDF Seafood Selector

.  1% for the Planet

.  SAFE Project

.  Healthy Campaign

.  National Nurses United 

.  Center for Food Safety

.  Fair Trade Certified - Coffee

.  Up Top Acres - MD & DC  

.  Planned Parenthood


.  Moms Clean Air Force

.  What's On My Food?




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